
Saturday, 1 April 2017

Using cloth nappies on a budget

Recently I was asked by a fellow mother at my local playcentre where I got my cloth nappies from and where I would suggest she shopped if she wanted to use cloth but on a budget. So I thought in reply to her question and for my own research I would compile a list of ways that you can use cloth nappies on a budget in New Zealand.

After lots of research and comparing of prices I have found a few ways that you can cloth nappy on the cheap. The best ways I have found is to go for a two part system, so cover with prefold, flat nappy or shaped insert or for pocket nappies. Please note that sometimes cheap doesn't always mean best quality, or best ethics when it comes to manufacturing of the nappies. It is up to you as the consumer to decide what you think is important.

For the two part system the idea is that you need less covers as you only need to change the cover when soiled or very wet. I recommend having two covers in use at the same time, so when you take one off you replace it with a new one and the old one is left to air out until next change. The absorbent inner will need to be changed each time, but covers(except pocket covers) can be used multiple times before needing to be washed.

So for the covers:
There are many options out there and it all depends on how much you want to spend.

For anywhere from $5-$10 you can covers from overseas on websites like Aliexpress. Most of these ship from china and it varies from brand to brand and also dependent on the type of cover you want. Most are one size fits most style, with some stores offering newborn sized as well. Simple covers to use over flat nappies or prefolds are generally cheaper than the pocket style covers.

Nappy Needz has a selection of covers ranging from $9 - 19 depending on style and colour you want to buy. The majority are sized so you will need to buy more as your baby grows but they are a good price for a good quality cover.

Retailers such as Nappy Heaven, Tweedle, Nappy obsession and Cheeky Cherubs all have branded covers which range from approx $22 up to about $30 depending on brand for OSFM or sized covers and about $18-22 for newborn sized covers.

Now for the absorbent part:

Flat nappies aka old fashioned flat nappies. 
These are a good option as you can fold them to go around your baby, to sit like a pad inside a cover, or to fit inside a pocket style nappy, the options are endless. They also dry fast as they are one layer. The best places to buy them are:
Baby stores like Baby Factory, Baby City or Nurtured. Approx $35 for 6
Nappy Needz: Cotton flats currently priced at $3 each or 6 for $16, Bamboo is $4 each or $22 for 6.
Kmart: 12 Pack of terry flats $20, so approx $2 each.

These are sized so you may need to buy a few different sizes but it is all dependent on the baby and how you want to use them. If you want to pad fold them and use them laid inside covers or as an insert for a pocket nappy then you may only need one size with a few boosters(I will talk about these at the end) for heavy wetters or nigh time. If you are wanting them to be folded and fit around you baby like with the angel wing fold then you will most likely need to get a few sizes as you child grows.
Prefold prices generally range from $17 -$30 per pack depending on size, brand and fabric composition. Most are 100% cotton but a few do offer bamboo prefolds. Most come in packs of 6 as standard but some of the more well known brands come in packs of 3, such as Grovia.
You can buy them from:
Nappy Heaven
Cheeky Cherubs
Real Nappies

Sized/shaped inserts.
If you are going for a pocket nappy system, or don't want to have to worry about folding anything then Sized/shaped inserts are the way to go. You can buy these individually or in packs. You also can choose whether you want Microfiber, hemp, bamboo or cotton inserts. Price is between approx $3-$6 each for standard inserts, price varies on fabric composition and whether you buy individually or in a pack.
You can buy them from:
Nappy Needs
Baby Its You

So that is all the individual components broken down. I recommend 6 covers and 18 sets of inserts/prefolds/flat nappies you may need more or less it all depends on how often you child needs changing, if you are using cloth overnight and how often you wash. Now for approximate costs. Below is a table based on approximate costs. I based the costs on the following calculations and assumptions:

6 covers + 18 flat nappies

6 covers + 54 prefold nappies (assuming you will require 18 of 3 different sizes)
I averaged the prices as prices vary with size and also chose the cheaper cotton prefold option when available. The prefold options are also listed as brands as they can be found at many different retailers for approximately the same price.

6 Covers  + 36 sized inserts (assuming your child will need 2 inserts per change as this is common especially for older children)

18 Pocket Covers + 36 sized inserts or 18 Nappy Needz prefolds
This is for those who want a system most like disposables where you remove the whole nappy(cover and insert) and replace it with a new one at each change. Please note that when pricing Baby Its You covers and inserts together I opted for buying covers and inserts separately, they do have bulk packs available which also help to save costs.

The following table has 3 cover options listed across the top with the inner/absorbent options labelled down the side.

CoversAliexpressNappy NeedzNappy Heaven
Price for 6$48$108$150
Flat Nappies
Nappy Needz$96$156$198
Baby Factory$153$213$255
Nappy Needs$258$318$378
Real Nappies$264$324$366
Nappy Needs$192$252$394
Baby its you$235$295$337
Pocket NappiesAliexpressBaby It's youNappy Heaven
Nappy Needs$288$324$594
Baby Its You$331$367$637

Prices in the table above are all approximations and are based on prices for April 2017.

Some last things to note when buying budget options:

Boosters or inserts are generally one in the same, just different names

Microfiber inserts should only be used in pocket nappies. This is because microfiber can draw moisture out of the skin when in direct contact causing rashes and other issues.

Bamboo, Hemp and cotton are all more absorbent than microfiber and less likely to cause issues with compression leaks.

Often on Aliexpress you can get better prices when buying in bulk lots.

Cheaper is not always better when buying nappies. Yes there are some that wash and wear really well, but then there are also some that don't. It's all about making informed decisions and knowing that you have made the right decision for your family.

If you find you have a heavy wetter, or you want to boost your nappies for night time use I recommend hemp, cotton or bamboo inserts/boosters. I successfully used one cotton prefold with one bamboo insert overnight for my son, though he was an average wetter, heavy wetters may need more boosters.

If you want to save more money then buying secondhand from places such as Facebook or TradeMe are good options. You can often pick up bulk lots of prefolds or flat nappies for cheap.

I didn't include a buying used option as prices vary depending on condition and brand of the nappies. Buying branded nappies secondhand is a very cost effective way of trialling nappies before forking out for a set  at full price. Opting for branded nappies or the more well known ones is one of the more expensive options as they do often come with a higher price tag. But if you prefer the styles offered with those nappies then secondhand is often the cheaper option.

While the initial outlay of cloth is a bit daunting, if you stick with it then you will save money as you will be buying less disposables.

The stores/websites linked within this post are only a few of the options available. There are too many to list them all.

Any questions just ask.

Links to where to buy:
Baby Its You
Baby Factory
Baby City
Cheeky Cherubs
Kmart - instore only
Nappy Heaven
Nappy Needz
Real Nappies


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